Articles Tagged love and respect

The Sweet Christian Bride

Take the Garbage Out, Sweetie!

by admin on November 8, 2012 in Faith, Relationship with No Comments

Start Marriage Right is a website meant to strengthen the next generation of marriages by offering marital wisdom to dating, engaged, and newly-married couples.  If you haven’t already checked out SMR, I suggest you do so today.  It might just be the very word from God you need for your relationship today

The Sweet Christian Bride
The Sweet Christian Bride

Proverbs 31 Wife: Respectful

by admin on March 8, 2012 in Faith, Relationship, Spouse with 1 Comment

I think Henry gives great snap shots of a Proverbs 31 Wife, but from what I know about men and marriage, I would simplify his description down to one action: respect.  A wife who can unconditionally respect her husband is one who will do him good and not harm, one who will increase the return on his investment of trusting in her.

The Sweet Christian Bride